Panning Ahead: Summer Newsletter 2021
Summer 2021
Dear Clients,
We are pleased to send you the Summer issue of our newsletter. We hope you find it informative and helpful.
Summer is on its way finally. We look forward to emerging from our long Covid hibernation to warmer weather, sunshine, opening parks and backyards with friends, family, and BBQ’s. Regardless of what is happening, fundamentals do not change and a sound strategy, being balanced and diversified, will always make achieving your goals that much easier. As your Advisors, we are here to help with your questions and concerns to provide the best recommendations we can to meet your goals. The article on page 1 of our newsletter is a great place to start. Recent volatility is normal volatility which is usually followed by growth. So, the 3 key points in this article 1: Keep Investing (buy on sale), 2: Take a Portfolio Approach (which is the diversified portfolios we recommend), 3: Build Resilience (this too shall pass). This could help you get to reach your goals even faster.
Meanwhile, the article on page 2 re Inflation, which has been one of the reasons causing the recent volatility is good. Keeping this in perspective is key as inflation is a normal part of growth. This edition of the newsletter includes some other great ideas. For instance: Looking for more after-tax Retirement Income. (pg 3). Planning Retirement income is important to determine what, when and how to get it.
Although we continue to work from home, we are slowly opening to provide in person meetings again, following all health mandated protocols, so we will keep you updated. We are still working hard with our research and discussions to find the right advice and recommendations for your portfolios in these times. We are available if you wish to contact us to review your portfolios by phone, via video call and soon in person.
Please check out our web page for more information as we look at adding more articles and blogs on a variety of topics, we feel may be of interest to you.
As a team, we are focused on providing the high level of service you have come to expect. As always, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to serve you.
In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint for the environment we are offering to forward future Newsletters via email so please contact us and we will add you to the list. Thanks for your cooperation.
Best regards,
David Wyatt B.A., B. Comm. CFP Diana Kancko
Senior Investment Advisor, Executive Assistant
Manulife Securities Incorporated
Life Insurance Advisor,
Manulife Securities Insurance Inc.
Katlin Wyatt B.A, Terry Wyatt
Investment Advisor, Executive Assistant
Manulife Securities Incorporated
25 Church Street, St Catharines ON. L2R 3B4
Website: www.wyattfinancial.ca Email: DKancko@manulifesecurities.ca
Phone: 289-479-5512 or Toll Free: 1-844-369-1406 or Branch: 905-704-0300 Fax: 289-804-0789 Fax: 905-704-0018
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